Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Grade 11's were given the assignment to write a poem capturing a moment. Here are two, one by Fateh Singh and one by Dharmatma Kaur, with very different sentiments: one to make you laugh, the other to make you cry.

Sparking Moment
by Fateh Singh

A sparking moment
I’m supposed to write

So I will say it
in this light

I cannot think
of what to say

So I will write
‘bout this today.

I do not have
one memory

Of any moment
that brings to me

That inspiration
to write something

With rhyming lines
that you can sing

I hope that this
you’ll still accept

As my classwork
though it hasn’t kept

To the assignment
you have given

But this is what
I have written.


by Dharmatma Kaur

The sound of hoof stepping on the cold black tar
The feeling… knowing something is wrong
Panic coming up inside of me
Panic that now the time has come
Panic that now it is, to say Goodbye
The hope that nothing is happening
The hope it is not the time to say Goodbye
The fear of losing Lady
The fear of death taking away what I love
Knowing that I will miss her more than I already do
Saying Goodbye in a language which she does not understand but
I know she does…
I understand what she is telling me…
And both we try to run away
Both we drown in our memory
We go back one more time,
Until death takes her away from me.

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